Pada saat kita berkenalan, tentunya kita akan menayakan dan menjelaskan tentang identitas diri masing-masing. Oleh karnanya sebagai lanjutan dari topik mengenai cara memberi salam dan memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris yang telah kita bahas sebelumnya, sekarang kita akan belajar tentang cara menjelaskan identitas diri dalam bahasa inggris (Talking about personal identity).
Menayakan nama (Name)
What is your name?
May I know your brother’s name, please?
My name is Rahma Fadhillah. You can call me Rahma.
Yes, his name is Wahyu.
Menayakan Alamat (address)
Where do you live?
What is your address?
I live in Bandar lampung
I live on Urip Sumoharjo street.
I live at Urip Sumoharjo street no.14.
My address is at UripSumoharjo street no.14.
Menanyakan Usia (Age).
How old are you?
How old is your mother?
I am 17 years old.
She is 45 years old.
Menayakan tempat tanggal lahir (place and date of birth)
Where were you born?
When were you born?
I was born in Tanjung karang.
I was born on February 28th,2006
Menanyakan tempat asal / kewarganegaraan (origin and nationality)
Where are you from?
What are your nationality?
I am from Lampung.
I am indonesian
Menayakan latar belakang Pendidikan (Education background)
Where did you graduate from?
Where were you graduated from?
I graduated from Lampung majoring English education.
I was graduated from Senior High School 3 Bandar Lampung.
Menayakan pekerjaan (Occupation).
What is your job / occupation/?
Where do you work?
I am an architect / a civil servant / a student
I work in a foreign company / in government office.
Menanyakan hobi (hobby).
What is your hobby?
What are your father’s hobbies?
My hobby is traveling.
His hobbies are Playing golf and gardening.
Menayakan status pernikahan (marital status)
Are you married / single?
What is your marital status?
Yes, I am married/single/
I am single/married/widow/widower
Mennyakan nomor telepon / email ( telephone number/ email address)
What is your telephone number?
What are your email address?
My telephone number is 087812253411(oh eight seven eight one double two five three four double one).
My email address
( joe dot rahma at gmail dot com)
Itulah beberapa pertanyaan dan penjelasan tentang identitas diri dalam bahasa inggris (personil identity) yang sering di gunakan dalam percakapan sehari hari.
Berikut ini adalah contoh percakapannya:
Athifa : Excuse me, are you Rahma?
Rahma :Yes I am, what is your name?
Athifa : My name is Inaya Azmi Athifa, but you can call me Athifa.
By the way, where are you from?
Rahma : I am from Lampung. Do you live around here?
Athifa : Yes, my house is not far from here. It is at Urip sumoharjo street no 14.
Rahma : By the way, what is you hobby?
Athifa : I like watching movie so much. Will you join me to go to cinema tonight?
Rahma : Sorry, I don’t like watching movie. I like reading comic.
I always do it in my spare time.
Athifa: Oh that’s interesting. let me borrow it someday.
May I know your phone number?
Rahma : Yes, it is 085847050335. Just call me anytime.
Athifa : Thanks. Nice to meet you rahma.
Rahma : I am glad to meet you too, Athifa. see you next time, bye.
Athifa : See you, bye.
Bisa mengartikanya…Silahkan cari di kamus! hehe..
Selanjutnya marilah kita hafalkan contoh perkenalan diri berikut ini, dan kamu bisa mengganti identitasya dengan identitas dirimu sendiri.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Auliya Izzatunisa, but you can call me izza.
I am Indonesian. I live at Pemuka street no 15.
I was born in Bandar lampung on January 25th,2002. So I am 13 years old now.
I study at Junior High School 2 Bandar lampung.
My hobbies are singing and cooking.
I have two sisters but I don’t have any brother.
My father is a teacher and my mother is a house wife.
My phone number is 081934755213.
Nice to meet you.
Demikianlah pelajaran kita kali ini tentang cara menjelaskan identitas diri dalam bahasa inggris (personal identity). Semoga bermanfaat ya!
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